Juicing for Weight Loss
three clear jars close-up photography
Juicing for Weight Loss

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Infared Sauna

My infared sauna is one of the BEST health gadgets I've gotten to date.  I first started going to an infared sauna at my Chiropractors office and loved it.  It became a hassle to go often, so it was on my personal 'wish list' for about 8+ years, and...

Health and Wellness

Over the years I've tried almost everything during my health journey.  Today, even with Lymes Disease, I feel better than ever.  There are some things that have been instrumental in keeping and maintaining good health & wellbeing in my life.  Now, I want to share them with you. Red...

Ion Cleanse Foot Bath

My personal review of the detox foot bath  The Ion Cleanse footbath has been instrumental in my health journey.  I had wanted one for so long and was nervous to get one.  I wasn't sure if the hype was real, if I would regularly use it, and how it would...

Omega Juicers – FAQ – Best Juicer Reviews

Omega juicers are a known and trusted brand in juicers for over 3 decades. Yet, it is normal to have doubts and questions about a product we wish to buy. Here we address some commonly expressed doubts about the Omega juicers through our Omega juicer FAQ How good is...

Lemon Lime & Apple Juice Shots Recipe

Juice shots to cleanse and stimulate your digestive system, support immunity Recently I decided to make Lemon Lime & Apple Juice Shots and wanted to share them with you. I sought out to create a recipe using the lemon and lime peel for its many benefits, but didn't want to...

Good Digest Juice

Juicing fennel calms the stomach, is great for digestion and has countless benefits Have you ever juiced fennel before?  If not, it's time!This new juice recipe I have for you includes fennel and is amazing for digestion.  Gut health is key to optimal overall wellness.  I find it calms my...

Pineapple juice for colds and coughs

Have a cold or cough and want a home remedy from your juicer?  This is for you.  Do you have a cold & cough or know someone that does?  Then this recipe is for YOU. My Costco had pineapples for sale this week so purchased a few for juicing, because,...

The Benefits of Water Lemon Detoxing: Why You Should Try It Now…

The Benefits of Water Lemon Detoxing: Why You Should Try It Now… People have been using water lemon detoxing for many years to improve their physical and mental health. This natural detoxification has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to provide a range of incredible...